Post ni khas untuk customer HBL yg order choc utk dimakan-makan oleh diri sendiri, sama-sama family, utk anak-anak dan kawan-kawan opis.
Tempahan Kak Nani
80pcs mix choc (milk,dark,white) with mix filling (strawberry, orange, caramel, blueberry, mint, hazenut, almond). Thanks Kak Nani!
Tempahan dr Khairul (on behalf of his officemate)
10pcs of count chocula. Thanks to khairul’s officemate!
Tempahan cik Mahir
4pcs blueberry delight, 3pcs count chocula, 3pcs mesmerize, 3pcs caramel lover and like before caramel,strawberry, orange, hazelnut, raisin each. Thanks Mahir!
Tempahan cik Aisyah
50pcs of count chocula (mix of milk & white). Thanks Aisyah!
Tempahan Pn.Mashitah
15pcs of like before caramel, 15pcs of like before strawberry. Thanks pn.mashitah!