Kali ni HomemadeByLuna ingin memperkenalkan mix shape choc yg sangat-sangat sesuai utk dibuat sbg hadiah or hantaran. Harga yg tertera di bawah adalah termasuk box. Any special request, please do let us hear from you! But of cos, with different charges.
Colorful WorldPrice A) RM28/box (no filling)
Price B) RM30/box (filling)
Description: 30 pcs choc. No deco.
Others: Filling available – blueberry, strawberry, orange, caramel, mint, nuts: almond/hazelnut
BeMinePrice A) RM33/box (no filling)
Price B) RM35/box (filling)
Description: 30 pcs choc. No deco.
Others: Filling available – blueberry, strawberry, orange, caramel, mint, nuts: almond/hazelnut
AliceInWonderlandPrice A) RM35/box (no filling)
Price B) RM38/box (filling)
Description: 30 pcs choc. No deco.
Others: Filling available – blueberry, strawberry, orange, caramel, mint, nuts: almond/hazelnut
ChocHeavenPrice A) RM35/box (no filling)
Price B) RM38/box (filling)
Description: 30 pcs choc. No deco.
Others: Filling available – blueberry, strawberry, orange, caramel, mint, nuts: almond/hazelnut
Kalau kamu mahu extra special request macam…
• Nak white choc/dark choc
• Choc/hiasan nak specific color/corak
• Nak box shape lain
• Taknak 30pcs choc, nak kurang or lebih
• Nak deco box with specific design
• Nak ikut mcm apa yg kamu bayangkan
… semua boleh diaturkan. Tapi, mestilah harga lain. Bergantung kpd request kamu. Thanks!